Our Vaccine Status, Really!
Okay, enough already. In this country there are people who are unvaccinated against the coronavirus. Get over it. Please stop trying to impose your vaccine view on others. You are not helping to convince ANYONE of your perspective, medically, ethically or morally right as you think you may be.
If you dare to challenge yourself enough to read this whole blog, you will be convinced you know me and know what I believe. Good luck. There will be my “champions” and there will be my “haters”. Still reading? Good. It proves there are people who can still be open-minded and think for themselves. Thank you.
There is not one subject or one situation that 100% of this country will agree on. For example, 100% of the population can’t even agree that sexual activity by an adult with an 8-year-old is wrong!!!!!!!! Don’t think this is true? Think the John Birch Society.
And we all know how well prohibition worked with telling people they couldn’t drink alcohol!
There is nowhere in the Constitution of the United States that says to be employed or fly in a plane that you must be vaccinated and/or wear a mask. And yet, the recent orders exist.
If you are not “fully vaccinated” by today’s standard – which is a moving target – “everyone” from POTUS to your cousin Vinnie is using shame, criticism, humiliation and bullying to ostracize you from your family, friends and co-workers. Does it seem like this pressure is effective, or is it causing the unvaccinated to become more resolute in their decision?
Once someone has a vaccine, or two, or three, their decision is over.
But for those who have chosen to be unvaccinated, it is a decision that has to be repeatedly reviewed, assessed and re-fought, even if the decision was made for medical or religious reasons. Or if the decision was made because adult Americans don’t like being told what they can or cannot do with their bodies. Think Roe vs. Wade. Or if the decision was made because adult Americans don’t trust the federal government. Think the Tuskegee Study.
8 Responses – 1 through 6 are non-confrontation responses:
WHEN you are being bullied about your vaccine status, the following are six respectful, non-confrontation responses:
- Call “Time Out”
If you feel pressured and are not sure how to respond to the criticism, call a “time out”.
Example: “I am feeling uncomfortable, can we take a time-out? I would like some time to research what you have said. Then we can talk again.” If you don’t know all the aspects of how to take a healthy time-out, please read my blog 7 Time Out Steps and How to Use Them
- Request Specifics
When you don’t understand the criticism, ask for specifics. Ask the other person to speak in facts and not generalities.
Example: “Can you explain why you think/feel the way you do?”
- Guess Specifics
If you don’t understand why you are being criticized, but you have ideas as to what they are saying, you can try to figure it out by asking questions.
Example: “Are you concerned for my safety or yours?”
- Agree with the Truth
Sometimes the criticism you receive has some merit and there may be some truth to what they are saying.
Example: “Yes, this is a scary time, and people are dying from the coronavirus. For me, I don’t feel the risk of side effects with the vaccine is worth the benefit.”
- Agree with the Odds
You can agree with the odds that their criticism may be true.
Example: “You are probably right that for many people the vaccine is a sound medical decision. But it is still my body and my decision.”
- Disagree with Criticism
When you are criticized, you have the right to disagree with what someone else is saying.
Example: “I disagree with you about vaccines. The experts can’t seem to agree on how many shots to have, can’t agree on when or why masks are required, and now can’t agree on how long to quarantine if you have been exposed to someone who has tested positive. The vaccine just isn’t right for me.”
Two others 7 & 8 – not necessarily recommended – options are: - Be Confrontational
Stick to your viewpoint, meeting others “head on”. Overwhelm the other person with your tone, the volume of your words and your intensity. Remember, “No.” is a full sentence.
Example: “I don’t agree with you. I think you are wrong. Please keep your opinion to yourself.” - Avoid Discussions Altogether
Sometimes the best option is saying nothing at all. No dialog, no discussion. With vitriol, avoidance may be the emotionally safest option.
Example: You avoid going places where masks and vaccines are required (grocery stores, jobs, family gatherings, national parks, etc.). You avoid the people you identify as bullies.
There you have it. You now have six recommended options and two “spare” options to use with someone who is attempting to bully you about your vaccine status.
Think Piece
Some people reading this blog will want to debate the science concerning the efficacy of coronavirus vaccines. Others will make this a political discussion. Still others will dismiss what is written because of an assumption about the author’s vaccine status. And you all will have missed the point of this blog.
The ONLY point of this blog is to offer you options for responses when you are bullied. You could use these same skills if you were being bullied about your age, race, sex, religion and/or sexual orientation. Remember, you have options when you are being bullied!
With warmest regards,
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