Getting in the Last Word
In a conversation, “getting in the last word” means one person may badger, bully, coerce, and overwhelm the other person to be the last voice...
Devoted to successful and healthy relationships.
In a conversation, “getting in the last word” means one person may badger, bully, coerce, and overwhelm the other person to be the last voice...
Who In Your Home Cleans The Bathroom? A few years back I had a co-worker I will call Mike. He had just moved into a...
Recently the words equality and equity have been used in the news as two almost interchangeable words. While I thought I understood the distinction, I...
GIGO In the 1950s theorists in the computer science field coined a term, GIGO, or “garbage in, garbage out”. Early scientists understood that the quality...
Many years ago, I had a contract with a county jail to provide mental health services to inmates. When I was offered the contract, I...
Process vs. Product Oriented Some people are “product oriented” and some people are “process oriented”. One is not better or worse than the other. There...
In everyday communication, the words rationalization and justification are frequently used interchangeably. But, do they really mean the same thing? Simply put, rationalization is an...
We all know what a burnt marshmallow is. It is a marshmallow that was left toasting too long on a campfire. A burnt marshmallow is...
Content To Process Shift When was the last time you wanted to talk with your significant other about a serious topic and before you knew...
What are “idle chatter and rumors”? It is what gossip was called in the 1700s! While we now associate the word gossip as being negative,...
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