We all know what a burnt marshmallow is. It is a marshmallow that was left toasting too long on a campfire. A burnt marshmallow is […]
Content To Process Shift When was the last time you wanted to talk with your significant other about a serious topic and before you knew […]
What are “idle chatter and rumors”? It is what gossip was called in the 1700s! While we now associate the word gossip as being negative, […]
Scenario: You found out your significant other has been cheating with a co-worker. You immediately separate. Your significant other has apologized Your significant other says […]
For 40+ years I have worked in the field of domestic abuse. In the beginning of my career, I worked with victims of domestic abuse. […]
So What is YOLO? You Only Live Once. There is no coincidence that YOLO is the topic for the last Relationship Relearned blog of 2022. […]
What is an “emotional pie”? An emotional pie is a visual that I developed many years ago. What I have found over the last 40 […]
Since the start of the pandemic there has been a lot of discussion about people feeling alone and about people feeling lonely. Divisive politics especially […]
It has happened again. There has been another contentious, divisive election. No one really “wins”. Because whatever candidate or party won or lost on November […]
In the 1960s and 1970s paper dolls were popular. They consisted of a paper image of a man or a woman and there would be […]