Simplicity In Communicating – Communicating is about the message a speaker (sender) transmits and the message a listener (receiver) understands. It is a verbal give […]
Nonverbal Communications – Have you ever been to a family gathering with a significant other, maybe a birthday party or a big Thanksgiving gathering? You […]
Types of Stress – Sometimes your behavior has more to do with your responses to your environment than you realize. This is not an excuse […]
Anger and Being Self Aware – “Anybody can become angry – that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the […]
Feelings – Feelings are a reaction to stimuli. Feelings can be physically felt, for example, heart palpitations and a flushed face. Feelings tend to be […]
What Are Defense Mechanisms? Defense mechanisms are your unconscious thoughts that provide you with emotional distance from your unpleasant feelings. For example, if you are […]
Communication – Communication with other people is based on sending and receiving messages. These messages are traditionally sent and received based on a combination of:• […]
Stressful Cycles in Marriage – If you have been reading my blogs, you probably realize I talk a lot about relationships and stress. Relationships relearned! […]
Emotional Baggage Definition of emotional baggage: The feelings you have about your past and the things that have happened to you, which often have a […]
My Anger and How to Understand it Aristotle (384 B.C.-322 B.C.) had an interesting quote about anger: Anybody can become angry – that is easy, […]