Published June 2024

The Win-Lose Book
It is possible to enjoy, or feel sorrow about, the results of a competition without alienating friends, family and co-workers. Most people take life’s daily wins and losses in stride. Others turn a win or loss into an adrenalin filled frenzy. They aren’t bad people; they just have bad behavior, for example, taunting others with their side’s win, ruining an otherwise calm family gathering, and generally causing chaos where there was once peace.
These giddy winners and sore losers are the people who could benefit from learning the twenty tips in The Win-Lose Book.
In addition, there are two bonus sections in The Win-Lose Book:
- 5 tips for teaching children how to be graceful winners and losers
- 5 tips for people who want to know how to co-exist at home, work or school with someone who refuses to win or lose gracefully